Tuesday 14 June 2011

Days 7 and 8

I forgot to post yd, so I'll speak about both days today. Yd wasnt very good. I had a banana for breakfast, then a tuna salad for lunch and a fruit as a snack. When i got home i made a wrap out of some leftover chicken, but then tried some of the tuna pasta my mum made....and by try I mean a small bowl :( . At least i didn't have cheese.

I had to go to the doctor and by the time i got home i was too tired to train. Another day without working out, not good.

Today i woke up determined to turn the tide. Banana for breakfast, chicken for lunch, an orange as a snack. Thats all i had at work, plus a glass of green tea, 1 sugar. When I got home I made wraps using chicken, mushrooms, orange peppers, mexican sauce and salsa. Made enugh for 3 days.

I also bought brown pasta to eventually make some tuna pasta as i've been having cravings for it. I also cheated with half a glass of coke. Should buy diet as a substitute for when I'm craving

Days 7 and 8

I forgot to post yd, so I'll speak about both days today. Yd wasnt very good. I had a banana for breakfast, then a tuna salad for lunch and a fruit as a snack. When i got home i made a wrap out of some leftover chicken, but then tried some of the tuna pasta my mum made....and by try I mean a small bowl :( . At least i didn't have cheese.

I had to go to the doctor and by the time i got home i was too tired to train. Another day without working out, not good.

Today i woke up determined to turn the tide. Banana for breakfast, chicken for lunch, an orange as a snack. Thats all i had at work, plus a glass of green tea, 1 sugar. When I got home I made wraps using chicken, mushrooms, orange peppers, mexican sauce and salsa. Made enugh for 3 days.

I also bought brown pasta to eventually make some tuna pasta as i've been having cravings for it. I also cheated with half a glass of coke. Should buy diet as a substitute for when I'm craving

Sunday 12 June 2011

Day 6

Woke up and cheated :( . 2 pastries and 1 sausage roll. Well it's the weekend. Now that I think about it if I had to cheat i'd rather have cheated with something else, but anyway. I work with one simple rule...if you cheat,you have to make up for it with workouts.

So in the afternoon I went for my 25 min jog, in the Sun to punish myself, followed by a workout. Aside from the bad breakfast I had a fruit lunch ; 1 banana and 1 peach. For dinner I made these little boats made out of cucumber skins, filled with chicken. The chicken was cooked with mushrooms, red peppers, a bit of cumin, lemon juice and tomatoes. Made enough for work too so should be ok next week.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Day 5

Even though I'm on a 'diet', I couldn't shun away from Saturday morning english breakfast. 4 sausages, 2 eggs and toast. Yes I know, naughty naughty, but I figure if I don't have my cheat every once in a while I'll just cheat worse later.

Since I was feeling a bit guilty, lunch was a chicken salad, very healthy. Always drinking water

In the afternoon I did my 20 mins jogging and workout. Felt better after todays rest, especially with the squats. After the workout I had a very simple but balanced dinner. One can of tuna, one tomato and a peach for desert.

Its 9.30 now and I'm not even peckish!! :D

Friday 10 June 2011

Day 4

Ok so yesterday evening after getting home i went for a 30min jog/walk, after which i did some upper and lower body exercises. Afterwards i made wraps again and made enough to take one with me to work for lunch today. I crashed the rest of the evening.

Today i had a peach for breakfast. Then the wrap, salad and tuna for lunch. Didnt drink enough water though. Not exercising tonight as an off day. Cheated with some pasta and chocolate when i got home.

Will resume tomorrow. Sometimes i feel thinner. Sometimes i dont.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 3

Woke up feeling good this morning. Aside from a slight cheat with a glass of milk last night I think yesterday went well. This morning I had an orange for breakfast at work, then a green salad at lunch. Wish I had it with tuna but I didnt have any with me, so that's a pity. Need to make breakfast slightly bigger I think.

I also did some light exercise this morning as I'll probably have a problem trying to do it tonight. Will have to see what I manage.

Getting hunger cravings....gonna have an apple and a glass of Water. A BIG glass of water.

Wednesday 8 June 2011


After work and an errand i managed to fit in an hour of workout time. Combination of jogging and general exercises. Followed by chicken wraps with mexican flsvour, peppers and onion. Cheated a bit with some cheese.....

Feel demolished now. Time to sleep and recharge